So, I slacked.
Big time. When I blogged last, I was so smug, thought i'd have a TON of time to finish these books, and so I put my supplies away for a while. Took a break, which turned out to be a LONG break.
And then last week creeped up on me, and ZOMG! So with the help of my Momma, I busted my arse this weekend finishing the last 2 pages, and also getting the pages sewn together. I still have work to do on the other two, but Dawson's is done and ready to be given to him! His birthday is on Tuesday, so i'm cutting it close!
Without further ado..... I present to you, Dawson's Busy Book:
| The Project |
I decided that for the babies 1st Birthdays (My son, my niece, and my nephew), I'd create them each a "Busy Book". It's going to be sort of an activity book, where they have to undo buttons, zip zippers, snap snaps, use magnets, and a bunch of other fun activities. It will help them learn to match shapes, colors, and numbers. Each book will be slightly different, a more girly spin for my niece, Lily. A more boyish spin for my son Hayden, and my nephew Dawson.