| The Project |

I decided that for the babies 1st Birthdays (My son, my niece, and my nephew), I'd create them each a "Busy Book". It's going to be sort of an activity book, where they have to undo buttons, zip zippers, snap snaps, use magnets, and a bunch of other fun activities. It will help them learn to match shapes, colors, and numbers. Each book will be slightly different, a more girly spin for my niece, Lily. A more boyish spin for my son Hayden, and my nephew Dawson.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Twinkle Twinkle, Traffic Light!

This page will be in Dawson's book. It'll help with matching colors and using velcro, as well as learning the meaning of the traffic lights! (yes, I realize yellow does NOT = slow, but it's for kids, and i'm not really sure they'd understand the word "Caution")


  1. Taryn, these books are awesome! Any chance you are going to start selling them once you get the first 3 done ;) Sarah0408

  2. I'm going to have to see how much the supplies cost in the end, that will determine whether or not it'd be worth selling them.

    I'll keep ya posted, or keep following and ask me when they're done. They're a TON of work, so not sure if anyone would be willing to pay supplies+labour KWIM?
